Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día – Institucional

Data Privacy Policy of the Seventh Day Adventist Church


In some cases, the user of the websites, services, and systems of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH may agree to provide personal information to obtain specific services to their requests or for the website, services or system to work correctly.

This document is the applicable regulation for the non-defined cases in the law, and has the purpose to protect personal data that eventually might be collected or processed by the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. Further on, it is described how the Adventist Church collects, processes, uses, shares, and discards the provided data by you through websites, services, or systems.

To use the Adventist Church’s website, services or system implies the understanding, acceptance, and automatic linking to this Data Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of the conditions provided below, you can stop using the website, services or system or you can contact us to suggest modifications.


To simplify the reading of these terms, the following glossary will be adopted:

Account: It is the user’s identified registration to access restricted functionalities in the services.

Cookies: Data archives with irrelevant amount sent by websites to the device of the user, able to gather a given number of necessary information for the adequate operation of some websites and services. This policy guides what should be done when the user does not want the website to storage their cookies.

Credentials: It is a combination of information used by the user to access their account, usually their login or username and password.

Anonymized data: Information about individuals, that do not allow identification of a person, even when combined with each other, considering the use of reasonable and available technical means at the time of their processing.

Personal data: Information about identified or identifiable individuals.

Data: Information, including personal data or anonymized data.

Data Protection Officer (DPO): It is the person indicated by the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH to act as a communication channel with the user and with the authorities of data protection regarding matters related to this Data Privacy Policy.

IP address: Internet Protocol address associated to a device. The IP address helps to identify exclusively, including geographically, a device used to access the internet, websites, and online services.

Adventist Church: The organizations that give legal character to the Adventist Churches in Brazil or in South America. According to the context, it can refer to the services and activities provided or developed by organizations that are part of their institutional group, such as Adventist Education, Radio and TV services, food factories, publishing houses in Brazil or in South America.

Privacy Policy: This Data Privacy Policy.

Service: Common designation for Adventist Church’s websites, services, and systems, including institutional, corporate, apps, email, newsletter, and chat systems.

User: The individual who interacts with any service of the Adventist Church to which this Privacy Policy is applicable.

You: When this privacy policy uses the term “you”, third person possessive pronouns (your, yours) and terms that refer to the reader, these terms refer to the USER, and were used in the text to ease the reading and comprehension.

1. Who is the controller and the operator of the data?

By using the service and providing personal data, you agree that the South American Division of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, CNPJ Nº 33.871.088/0001-76, be the controller and operator of the data you provide.

Questions about this policy can be directed to the email [email protected] for analysis.

2. Implementation of the Privacy Policy.

The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH adopts a Privacy Policy that is applicable to all services in which it is published.

Exclusions: This Privacy Policy does not apply to the services that does not present it among its terms, that have separated privacy policies, or that excludes it expressly. It also does not apply to websites, services and systems of other organizations or individuals that collect and process data, including when they identify themselves as members of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. This policy does not apply to activities of initiative of individuals, members or not, even if they are part of the leadership of the churches, groups, clubs, or missionary services.

“Specific Data Privacy Provisions”: When necessary, the services of the Adventist Church will have “Specific Data Privacy Provisions”. The specific provisions apply restrictively to the service to which is refered to. For example, when the user uses the 7me, Feliz7Play systems or the adventistas.org website, this data protection policy is applicable along with the specific provisions of each one of these services.

The Privacy Policy apply exclusively to the data provided voluntarily by you when carrying out activities in services of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, such as registers, prayer requests, comments, email, and messages exchange, etc. It also applies to the data collected by the browser during the use of the service.

3. Information we collect, receive and store.

The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH services may collect data that the user provides directly or indirectly, when they become members of the Adventist Church or join any of its ministries, missionary activities, or services of the institutional group. When using websites and systems, filling out forms and registrations, according to this Data Privacy Policy.

All this information will be kept in confidentiality by the Adventist Church, and may be processed for personal use in its institutional purposes and/or of its associated entities. Information will not be collected for different purposes from what is described in this Data Privacy Policy or in the additional terms.

The following information can be collected, received, and stored by the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH’s services:

  1. Member’s data: When you become a SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH member, the information provided by you in the Candidate registration sheet or in the baptism sheet are stored physically, digitally, or both. That information is used exclusively for the fulfilment of the institutional activity of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, so the organization of the religious activity be viable.

  2. Tithes and offerings data: When you return tithes or give offerings in an identified way, the information regarding the identification of the donor, date, amount, place of donation and purpose can be registered in compliance with the legal duty and to the accounting regulations.

  3. Registration data in services of the institutional group: The institutional group of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH is composed of institutions that have been created or are part of the Adventist Church itself in the countries that belong to the South American Division. The data you provide to the ministries of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH and to the services of these institutions, even those that may be collected while you browse in your websites, e-mails, comments and chat, might be stored, processed and shared with the institutional group for the fulfilment of the institutional duty of these organizations. The ADVENTIST CHURCH does not use your contact information to send unwanted messages (spam) or promotional material that has not been previously requested/accepted, but it can get in contact when strictly necessary.

  4. Registration data in websites and systems: When someone fill out a registration form to access the website or to use a specific feature, these data is registered so the user can continue their activitity later. Activity data on the website might also be collected and processed.

  5. Support and communication with the user: If you communicate with anyone of the services of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH by telephone, mail, email, chat or by any other means, we will store the information provided in order to perform the activity, support or sending a response. The information may also be registered just for future reference. In phone calls, we might store date, time, duration and originator. When the call is to be recorded for legal obligation or rules of procedure, the interlocutor will be warned on this regard, and the audio from the calls and contained data will belong to the institution that has registered them, only being used for the fulfilment of legal obligation, requested service by the user or institutional duty.

  6. Statistics and anonymous forms: From time to time, the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH can request information for statistical purposes. Except when expressly warned, these statistics are anonymous. Information is collected in forms.

  7. Communication privacy: When you communicate with the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, the content of the communications is kept privately, and it only will be disclosed with your authorization, at your request, by court order, or in defense of the truth, until the content of the communications is discarded.

  8. Browsing data, mobile devices’ data, and automated data: The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH’s websites do not collect browsing data able to identify an individual. However, they can use cookies to provide a personalized experience to the user.

  9. Record information and access: Whenever necessary, the services will automatically register access logs and use, storing IP address, type of device, language, app or operating system version, date, and time of your request. Passwords will not be stored.

4. IP addresses, cookies, identifiers, and credentials

4.1. Cookie policy: The Adventist Church services may use cookies and anonymous identifiers to obtain information about audience, browsing, security, and for the proper operation of some services.

Cookie warning message: The services that use cookies will have a warning on this regard, similar to the following:

“By using the adventistas.org website, you agree that we can record cookies in your device, according to the cookie policy of our Privacy Policy.”

Types of cookies that can be used according to the following characteristics:

  1. Validity: Of Session – temporary, they remain only up to closing of the page or the browser, they are used for traffic analysis and content contextualization. Permanent – they remain after closing of the page or browser, they are used to record the user login, but they do not save password information.

  2. Property: Its own – they are recorded by the services of the Adventist Church and are owned by it. Third-party – they are recorded and owned by third parties, but they can be included in the device through the services of the Adventist Church.

  3. Purpose: Necessaries – essential for the use of the website, that would not work properly without cookies. Other – they are cookies that benefit an improved performance, specific features, statistics, information about social media of the user and other information not strictly essential.

Option of the user: You can choose not to accept cookies, but in this case, the services may not work properly, and the Adventist Church will not be able to guarantee that the websites be displayed correctly. Cookies can be accepted, deleted, or refused through the browser tools.

4.2. Analytics: Some Adventist Church’s websites may use analytics services provided by third parties, for example, Google Analytics. The data privacy policy of these service providers is not our responsibility and may be verified in the domain of the provider. The Adventist Church searches for third parties’ services, as long as their data privacy policies are in conformity with this policy. The user agrees with the processing of this information through these third parties, for statistical purposes.

4.3. Credentials: The Adventist Church’s websites and services do not store access credentials that belong to the user. Therefore, you are the only responsible for the confidentiality of your personal and financial information and your credentials. It is forbidden to share your credentials, or the use of third parties’ credentials. This practice will be considered a violation of this Privacy Policy.

5. Use of the information.

Information collected by the Adventist Church will be exclusively used to provide the religious activity, the expected service by the user or the hired service from the institutions that belong to the institutional group.

This information may also be used to improve the communication between the Adventist Church and you, including personal or automatic messages that deal with the policy itself or subjects that demand your attention in a special way.

In some cases, the collected information will be used to assert the Terms of Use of the websites and systems, and in compliance with the legal duty, including combating fraud and any illegal activities.

Lastly, the Adventist Church may use or share you personal data, access the messages exchanged via chat, email or other communication in case of: i) legal requirement; ii) prevention of fraud and abuse in your network; iii) to answer the allegations of alleged infringement of third party’s rights and the improper disclosure for third parties contact; iv) to protect rights, the property or the security of third parties or the Adventist Church itself and its members; v) to establish whether or not you are obeying this Policy and the applicable Terms of Use.

6. Information sharing.

The Adventist Church does not rent or sell personal data. Sharing is also restricted, and it will not happen unless there is an especific authorization to do so under the following circumstances:

  1. Institutional group: It might be necessary for the institution that is part of the Adventist Church and that have collected your data to share these data with other organizations that are part of the institutional group of the Adventist Church, for example, to implement the life insurance, event or church’s trip insurance, or departments and ministries insurance. In these cases, your information might be shared strictly with legal entities that have been created, organized, established by the Adventist Church, or one of its ministries, entities or member of the body, both in Brazil and in the South American Division’s countries.

  2. Member transfer of the ACMS: Members’ data that is registered in the ACMS (Adventist Church Management System) might be shared with other entities of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH in the world only when the church member is to be transferred to a church that also uses ACMS and is located outside the South American Division.

  3. Reorganization of responsibility: If by a legal or juridical matter, the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH needs to reorganize the distribution of responsibilities, or a part of the denominational entity that originally collected the data has to be reorganized, your personal information may be transferred to the new responsible, which will take over the obligation of complying with all the terms of this policy, or warn you of any alterations.

  4. Combating fraud and crimes: It will be allowed to share information with public authorities or private entities to combat fraud, crime or abuse that the Adventist Church have knowledge of, and which information are absolutely necessary or relevant to prevent such practices further, and when requested to share in an investigation of suspected infringement of law, or to combat any other suspicion of non-compliance with this Policy, the Terms of Use or the law.

  5. Sharing personal information with government authorities when requested, according to the applicable law.

7. Your control on the data.

The data you provide will be kept in all the cases provided by law, such as those you provided to enter as member, or sign up for any ministry of the Adventist Church or even by contracting a service in an institution of the institutional group. These might be kept for as long as the relationship, ministry or service exists. Moreover, they will be kept in the cases provided by the law, even if they have to be anonymized.

Access, correction, and deletion: It is possible to correct or delete the information provided (respecting the cases of data preservation). However, keep in mind that the absence of certain information may invalidate the answer of some comments, requests, prayer and bible study request, or other activity that is expected by the user.

8. Consent.

By using the Adventist Church’s services and providing your data, you consent to the collection, storage, processing and use of the personal information provided and its updates, traffic data, IP addresses, among others, eventually collected.

You also consent that the use of the Adventist Church’s services, even without registration, implies the acceptance of the Terms of Use of the Websites, of the special provisions and of this Privacy Policy, that will be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the law, in our ministries or in the functionalities of the websites, apps and systems.